There are several reasons why homeowners might want to invest in renovating an older residence. Historic houses have a certain nostalgic charm, for instance, that would be hard to replicate from scratch. Like patina on aged wood, older homes acquire a character of their own over time that is worth preserving, although renovating an aged residence has its own set of challenges. Keep the following home remodeling tips in mind when renovating an older home and contact Quality DesignWorks to help.

Update The Structure First

It might be tempting to start shopping for paint swatches and kitchen cabinets right away. Still, the first stages of every home renovation should be making sure the structural foundation of the building is safe and sound. This necessity is especially crucial when renovating older houses because they are likely to have outdated (and possibly unsafe) plumbing and wiring. Harmful materials, such as asbestos, for example, are more likely to be present within the walls or ceilings of buildings dating back to the 19th century. To ensure the safety of residents and prevent future structural damage, it is best to update the roof, windows, masonry, and foundation before focusing on aesthetic changes.

Start With Small Changes

Once the foundation and structure have been updated, remodelers can move on to cosmetic changes. For those on a tight budget, however, it might help to start small. Updating the lighting in a room, for example, from amber-hued incandescent light bulbs to soft-white LEDs, could make all the difference in terms of room-feel, not to mention cost-savings. Amassing second-hand (or on sale) furniture and décor ahead of the start of the home remodel could also help lower costs. What is important is that remodelers dedicate enough time to the renovation. If trying to keep the aged charm of the home, you’ll want remodelers who are experienced and willing to make your dreams come to life. If you’re remodeling to resell the home, choose projects that are feasible. Those without sufficient time and resources to tackle renovating a large five-bedroom Victorian-style home, for example, should consider renovating a small, but still charming, 18th-century row house instead.

Think Like An Investor

Even if you don’t ever plan to sell your house, you should treat a home renovation like an investment. When deciding what to update and what to preserve, think about it in terms of resale value. Unfortunately, one aspect often overlooked by homeowners is the historical value of a property. Well-preserved historic homes are incredible investments because as long as they are well maintained, their resale value will only increase over time. To this end, research what historical significance, if any, an older house has before renovating it. While personal tastes should definitely factor in your decision, knowing what features are more valuable and worth preserving will help you decide more wisely when remodeling an older home.

Learn To Love Minor Quirks & Imperfections

Perhaps the most important thing to remember when renovating an old house is that it’s an older residence. Trying to overhaul the building into a modernized paradise would be missing the point entirely. Homeowners looking for all the creature comforts of a 21st century home would be better off purchasing a newly built residence. Older homes have their quirks and imperfections — from their spaghetti-looking wiring to their claustrophobic kitchens. Some are more inconvenient than others. Some defects, like an awkwardly-placed niche or a low-hung ceiling, may be precisely what gives a room its personality. Deciding which features to update and which to embrace is part of what makes remodeling an older home challenging yet so exciting.

Hire Professionals

Old houses are full of surprises — good ones and bad ones. Remodelers may find gorgeous pine floors, for example, hiding underneath an unassuming linoleum flooring, or a large colony of termites feasting inside a magnificent vintage baseboard. Whatever the circumstances, homeowners can benefit from enlisting the help of professionals who have experience handling the unpredictability of renovating older homes. Not only does our home remodeling team with Quality DesignWorks have the expertise necessary to complete the job, but we also have the resources and partnerships to build and remove walls, design and manufacture custom cabinetry, and counsel clients on improving the resale value of their older homes. But you don’t have to take our word for it. Contact us today to schedule a showroom appointment.